
Health Tech

Why Digital Health Startups Should Embrace a Provider-Centric Approach, Per an AMA Exec

Providers often have a checklist of requirements they use to determine whether they should bring new technology into their organization. Digital health startups would be wise to learn about these criteria when taking their products to market, said Meg Barron, the AMA's vice president of digital health strategy, at a recent conference. That way, startups can build their products around meeting providers' needs.

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MedCity Influencers

ROI vs. EHR Implementation Costs — Is It Really Worth It?

Record keeping applications have found a static place in many different industries these days. Supply chain systems and customer relationship management, for example, certainly benefit from a more structured data control process. The medical business is different from most other industries, however. As EMR platforms gain in popularity, primary care physicians and small practices are […]